Tuesday, April 20, 2010

days go by..

"time is making fools of us again" - j.k. rowling

i've been a bad blogger! from my normal forty-hour work week, to fulfilling orders, to trying to be the best wife in the world, to endless house hunting, to playing hair extraordinaire, trying to become a mommy to a teeny tiny prim & proper bulldog (more about that later), constant travels & do it yourself goodness - i have just lost track of time! there are many things in the works right now; they are just not photo worthy just yet! stay tuned, my friends! xo m

Monday, April 5, 2010

:: baking: Easter Treat ::

I got this adorable idea from Ms. Martha Stewart and just had to try it out. They were a huge hit at our Easter dinner! They were incredibly easy to make & will make an appearance again, I'm sure!

I also made some yellow melt chocolate covered oreo chickies... they just weren't photograph worthy though. I haven't mastered the chocolate covered anything yet... What types of treats did you make for Easter?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

:: Happy Easter ::

Remembering the reason for the season. Happy Easter!

in You I find my peace
in You I find my strength
in You I live and move and breathe
let everything I say and do
be founded by my faith in You
i lift up holy hands and sing
let the praises ring!